It’s simple. Print out the form below , complete it and send it with your subscription to the Membership Secretary, Trevor Hutton – details are given on the form. If you have any queries you can contact the Membership Secretary by phone 028 3833 3849 or email
You need to be a member of Upper Bann U3A before you can enrol in a class or group. Once you become a member you may contact the group convenor and he/she will confirm if places are available. (Click here for information on activities on offer). If a class or group is over-subscribed and you are very interested in that activity, ask the tutor to put you on a waiting list. The convenor will contact you if places become available. When there is sufficient interest to justify a second group then, provided a convenor/tutor is available, an additional class will be formed.
If you have special skills or knowledge which you are prepared to share with others we would like to hear from you.
‘Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland: NIC100619’.